Parent involvement

Our school continues to thrive because of the devoted parents and families that support their child teacher, classroom, administration, and school as a whole. We want to thank each of you for your time and energy – two very precious commodities, indeed!
As a small community, from time to time throughout the year, parents may be asked to volunteer in various capacities: sitting on the Board of Directors, fundraising Committee’s, chaperoning field trips, developing material needed for the classroom (simple sewing or carpentry projects), helping teachers in organizing monthly special activities etc.
Various fundraising initiatives occur throughout the year. Our goal is to keep the quantity of fundraising projects low while achieving the maximum financial return. Depending on the project, volunteer time may be requested to the membership. The Fundraising Committee will be in touch with membership directly when opportunities to volunteer present themselves.
Special Events
It is our intention to organize several activities during the school year, both within the school during school hours, and outside of school during evenings or weekends, as a way to build community among our teaching staff, families, and classrooms. Details regarding these events will be provided in advance, via postings at the school, emails to parents, on our Facebook page, and through this website.